  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Here's the analysis for the second draft of the root figures. Changes that we talked about previously:

  1. Figure 3 is being remade as a combination of old figures 3, 5, and some of 6/7.
  2. Table of 'site', 'date', 'depth_bin', 'biomass', and standard deviation of biomass across depth_bin per given site.
  3. Depth bins: 0-10 cm, 10 - 20cm, etc.
  4. Tabels of both pre- and post- aggregation.
  5. Figure 2 is being remade as old figures 4 and 2. Graph 'relative activity' of grass and Adenostoma using NDVI and E. To do this:
  6. Write/create a sapflow data table that reflects relative sapflow, i.e. just use an index and skip the zeroing.
  7. Methods for this process.

This vignette focuses just on the root stuff.


data("SDEF_root_data_raw") # Load raw root data.
data("SDEF_root_ash_weights") # Load ash weight data.
SDEF_data <- SDEF_root_data # Shorten variable name for convenience.
colnames(SDEF_data) <- ifelse(
  colnames(SDEF_data) == "tile", "frame", colnames(SDEF_data)

# below is old script
  data.root <- ConvertFrameDepth(data=data.root)
  data.ash <- CalculateCarbonContent(data=data.ash)
  # Frame height 6.75mm, frame width 9.0 mm
  data.root <- CalculateBioDensity(data=data.root, frame.size = c(6.75, 9.0, 0.74), scale="tube")
  data <- data.root
  biomass.convert <- c(0.21, 0.22, 0.31)
  names(biomass.convert) <- c("grass", "shrub", "tree")
  # Calculation section ####
  biovolume <- (pi * ((data$diameter / 2) ^ 2)) * data$length # Units in mm^3
  biovolume <- biovolume / 1000 # Convert mm^3 to cm^3
  convert <- vector(mode="character", length=nrow(data))
  for (i in names(biomass.convert)) {
    convert <- sub(x=data[["veg_type"]], pattern=i,
                   replacement=names(biomass.convert)[which(names(biomass.convert) == i)]
  biomass <- biovolume * biomass.convert[data[["veg_type"]]] # Conversion factor is g per cm^3
  # This will convert units to grams of biomass
  data <- data.frame(data, biovolume, biomass)
  data$real_depth <- data$real_depth * -1
  #plot biomass
  data_grass <- data[which(data$plot == "grass"), ]
  bio_plot <- ggplot(data_grass, aes(real_depth, biomass))
  bio_plot <- bio_plot + stat_smooth()
  depth_plot <- ggplot(data_grass, aes(date, real_depth))
  depth_plot <- depth_plot + geom_tile(aes(fill = biomass))
  if (scale == "root") {
    message("Returning root-scale data... Done")
  biodensity <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=6, nrow=0))
  colnames(biodensity) <- c("tube", "date", "sum_biovolume", "sum_biomass", "mean_depth",

  # end

bmcnellis/SDEF.analysis documentation built on June 4, 2019, 10 a.m.